Good posture starts from your rib cage


A good neck posture starts from your rib cage. The ribcage plays a significant role in your bodily movements and posture. Muscles, ligaments, and nerves connect your neck and shoulders to your ribcage. It is a Vital Platform on which your head, neck, and arms operate.

This blog aims to answer the questions: 

  1. Why we often look into your rib cage when we treat your neck and shoulder for posture.

  2. What we do to re-align your rib cage, and how “mental cueing” is important for your home exercises.


Why do we need to look into the rib cage? 

  1. It is the breathing centre where gas exchange occurs. It houses the heart, the lung, the pleura.

  2. It is where rotational movement occurs in your trunk.

  3. It helps to regulate mental stress and other emotions.

  4. Your neck, shoulder, and ribcage function as one kinetic chain. An optimal alignment of your ribs ensures better posture and better head and shoulder positioning.


Misalignment and ribs shifted

Rib misalignment may arise when there is a muscular imbalance (happens with office workers), mental stress, or visceral issues. 

This means the thorax is no longer acting as an optimal platform for the shoulders and neck. The neck and the shoulder can be out of alignment along with the ribcage, adding to a bad default posture. 

We manually correct your ribcage to give you a better posture.

We manually correct your ribcage to give you a better posture.

Better ribcage alignment gives a more efficient natural movement.

Better ribcage alignment gives a more efficient natural movement.

Treatment: Re-aligning your ribcage 

Our treatment for ribcage misalignment involves massaging and manually correct the rib positions. We then sustain the corrections made by getting you to conduct control exercises with mental cues.

Your thorax is a significant region to consider when it comes to addressing neck and shoulder posture. Plain advice of getting a “good posture” is futile without examining the ribcage. Postural taping and ergonomic arrangements will be even more effective when incorporated with better ribcage control. 

Mental Cues stimulate the central nervous system to re-position your ribs into a better alignment. When being repetitively practised, the optimal alignment of the ribcage becomes permanent, helping you achieve better posture and more efficient natural movements.

Jin Park

Jin specialises in injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance optimisation. With a background in Military Corps and Martial Artists, he helps individuals recover from physically demanding activities while improving strength and mobility. Jin is fluent in English and Korean.

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