Seated knee raise
Written By Nicole Ng
Muscles used in this exercise
Vastus Medialis (quadriceps muscle) grade 1 strengthening.
For the rehabilitation of patella-femoral pain syndrome. This exercise will reposition your knee cap so it goes into a better alignment when you walk or run. It is a grade 1 exercise. You will need to progress to more challenging exercises.
To do this exercise
In sitting, have a roll of towel between your knees and gently squeeze.
Straighten your leg while maintaining the pressure on the towel roll.
Slowly bend your knee again and repeat.
Related resources

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arthritiscyclingexercisefootballgaitinstabilityjoint painknee stabilitylateralisleg muscleosteoarthritispatellaquadsrecoveryrehabilitationruntendinitistrackingvastus medialisvmowalkingwear and tearquadricepsseatedkneecapinjurypainfrontreplacementthighmusclerunnerrunninglightactivationhometowelsqueezeinnerinsidewalk

Nicole specialises in pain management, treating all ages—from post-surgery athletes to children developing motor skills and older adults improving mobility. She speaks English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.